Forbuis Droma Damhghaire
Online sources
Manuscript sources and printed editions
See forbuis droma damhghaire in CODECS
See Background details and bibliographic information at CELT
Digital Image of manuscript
This saga appears in the manuscript known as the Book of Lismore, in the Boole Library, University College Cork, starting in f. 168 r, column a, line 1, beginning Da shaorclaind shocheneoil batar ind Eirinn. A digital image of this manuscript is available at: Irish Script on Screen
A summary of some of the events in this saga appears in the manuscript MS 23 P 2 (the Book of Lecan), in the Royal Irish Academy, starting in f. 167 r, column b, line 6, beginning Doluid Eogan Mór mac Aililla Uluim do chath Muigi Mucraime. In the same manuscript, an Old Irish poem about Mug Ruith appears in f. 124 v, column a, line 1, beginning Mog ruith rigfhile gan gai. A digital image of this manuscript is available at: Irish Script on Screen
Medieval Irish text and French translation
Marie-Louise Sjoestedt (ed. & tr.), Le siège de Druim Damhghaire: Forbuis Droma Damhghaire, Revue Celtique, 43, 1926, pp. 8–123; 44, 1927, pp. 157–164, 169-176.
Digital Edition at (pp. 8-123 (18-123)); (pp. 157-164); (pp. 169-176); Index of rare words (pp. 176-186); Irish text at CELT; French translation at CELT; French translation at Tech Screpta
Modern Irish version and English translation
Seán Ó Duinn (tr.), Forbhais Droma Dámhgháire: The Siege of Knocklong, (Cork: Mercier Press, 1992; repr. Irish American Book Co., 1993), pp. 12-111.
English translation at CELT