Forbuis Droma Damhghaire
Background information
References in the Annals of the Four Masters, the Annals of Inisfallen and the Annals of UlsterM3500.1 After this the sons of Milidh fought a battle at Tailtinn, against the three kings of the Tuatha De Dananns, Mac Cuill, Mac Ceacht, and Mac Greine. The battle lasted for a long time, until Mac Ceacht fell by Eiremhon, Mac Cuill by Eimhear, and Mac Greine by Amhergin. Their three queens were also slain; Eire by Suirghe, Fodhla by Edan, and Banba by Caicher.
M3579.1 Conmael, son of Emer, having been thirty years in the sovereignty of Ireland, fell, in the battle of Aenach Macha, by Tighernmus, son of Follach.
M3579.2 By Conmael had been fought these battles: … the battle of Loch Lein, against the Ernai and Martinei, and against Mogh Ruith, son of Mofebis of the Firbolgs.
M225.1 After Lughaidh, i.e. Maccon, son of Macniadh, had been thirty years in the sovereignty of Ireland, he fell by the hand of Feircis, son of Coman Eces, after he had been expelled from Teamhair [Tara] by Cormac, the grandson of Conn.
M226.1 Fearghus Duibhdeadach, son of Imchadh, was king over Ireland for the space of a year, when he fell in the battle of Crinna, by Cormac, grandson of Conn, by the hand of Lughaidh Lagha.
M227.1 The first year of Cormac, son of Art, son of Conn of the Hundred Battles, as king over Ireland.
M241.2 These are the battles of Cormac [fought] against Munster this year: the battle of Berre; the battle of Loch Lein; the battle of Luimneach; the battle of Grian; the battle of Classach; the battle of Muiresc; the battle of Fearta, in which fell Eochaidh Taebhfada [of the Long Side], son of Oilioll Olum; the battle of Samhain, in which fell Cian, son of Oilioll Olum; and the battle of Ard Cam.
M266.1 Forty years was Cormac, son of Art, son of Conn, in the sovereignty of Ireland, when he died at Cleiteach, the bone of a salmon sticking in his throat on account of the siabhradh [genii] which Maelgenn, the Druid, incited at him, after Cormac had turned against the Druids, on account of his adoration of God in preference to them. Wherefore a devil attacked him, at the instigation of the Druids, and gave him a painful death. … It was this Cormac, son of Art, also, that collected the Chroniclers of Ireland to Teamhair, and ordered them to write the chronicles of Ireland in one book, which was named the Psalter of Teamhair. In that book were [entered] the coeval exploits and synchronisms of the kings of Ireland with the kings and emperors of the world, and of the kings of the provinces with the monarchs of Ireland. In it was also written what the monarchs of Ireland were entitled to [receive] from the provincial kings, and the rents and dues of the provincial kings from their subjects, from the noble to the subaltern.
M268.1 The first year of Cairbre Liffeachair, son of Cormac, son of Art, in the sovereignty of Ireland.
M271.2 Three battles [were fought] by Cairbre against the men of Munster, in defence of the rights of Leinster.
M284.1 After Cairbre Liffeachair had been seventeen years in the sovereignty of Ireland, he fell in the battle of Gabhra Aichle … Fearcorb, the son of Cormac Cas, having brought the Fiana with him, against the king, to defend Leath Mhogha against him.
M861.3 Daniel Ua Liaithidhe, Abbot of Corcach and Lis Mor, was mortally wounded.
AI863.1 Repose of Dainél, abbot of Les Mór and Corcach.
U908.3 A battle was fought between the men of Mumu, the Leth Cuinn, and the Laigin in Mag Ailbi … and Cormac son of Cuilennán, king of Caisel, was killed there.
Lebor Gabála Érenn (Macalister), Volume 4
p. 25 … the sons of Umor. … From them are named … the ridge of Asal (Druim nAsail) … the son of Umor.
p. 181 Eochaid Ollathair, the Great Dagda, son of Elada, was eighty years in the kingship of Ireland. He had three sons, Oengus, Aed and Cermat the fair. Upon these four did the men of Ireland make the Mound of the Brug.
p. 191 Oengus mac in nOg and Aed Caem and Cermat Milbel, the three sons of the Dagda, son of Elada.
p. 123 The three sons of Cermad son of The Dagda were Mac Cuill, Mac Cecht, Mac Greine … Fotla and Eriu and Banba were their three wives.
Lebor Gabála Érenn (Macalister), Volume 5
pp. 35-37 The sons of Míl had colloquy with Banba at Sliab Mis. … What is thy name? said they. Banba, said she. Let it be a name for this island, said Amorgen. … They had colloquy with Fotla in Eblinne. She spake with them in like manner and desired that her name should be upon the island. Said Amorgen: Let Fotla be a name upon this island. … They had colloquy with Ériu in Uisnech. … A gift to me, … said she; that my name shall be upon this island. It shall be its principal name, said Amorgen.
p. 201 Conmáel son of Éber Find son of Míl took the kingship of Ireland and he was the first king of Ireland out of Mumu. Thirty years has he in the kingship of Ireland … It was Conmáel who broke twenty five battles against the children of Érimón, in revenge for his father — the battles of … Loch Léin against the Erna and the Mairthine (where Mog Ruith fell).
The History of Ireland (Geoffrey Keating), Volume 1
p. 123 There were two races who used to be in possession of these two provinces of Munster, that is to say, the race of Dáirfhine and the race of Deirgthine, up to the time of Oilioll Ólom of the race of Deirgthine who took the chieftaincy of the two provinces, having banished from Ireland Mac Con, who was of the race of Dáirfhine.
p. 127 … Fear Corb, son of Mogh Corb, son of Cormac Cas, son of Oilioll Olom …
The History of Ireland (Geoffrey Keating), Volume 2
pp. 83-85 Accordingly, the Tuatha De Danann, by means of magic, drove the sons of Milidh out from the land, and so they went round Ireland and put into port at Innbhear Sceine in West Munster; and when they had landed, they proceeded to Sliabh Mis, where they met Banbha with her women and her druids. Aimhirgin asked her her name. ‘Banbha is my name,’ said she; ‘and it is from me that this island is called Inis Banbha.’ Then they proceeded to Sliabh Eibhlinne where they met Fodla, and Aimhirgin asked her her name. ‘Fodla is my name,’ said she; ‘and it is from me that this land is called Fodla.’ They proceeded thence to Uisneach in Meath, where they met Eire. The poet asked her her name. ‘Eire is my name,’ said she, ‘and it is from me that this island is called Eire.’
pp. 271-275 Now, although Oilill Olom had nineteen sons, … still only three of them left issue … The first of them, Eoghan Mor son of Oilill, fell in the Battle of Magh Muchruimhe, by Beinne Briot, son of the king of Britain; and Fiachaidh Muilleathan, from whom clann Charrthaigh and the tribe of Suilleabhan, with their branches, are sprung, was the son of this Eoghan; and his mother was Moncha daughter of Dil son of Da Chreaga the druid; and he was born at Ath Uiseal on the Siuir, and was called Fiachaidh Fear-da-Liach. For líach means sad event; and sad were the two events that took place with regard to him, namely, the slaying of his father in the Battle of Magh Muchruimhe very soon after his conception in the womb, and the death of his mother immediately after his birth. Hence the name Fiachaidh Fear-da-Liach clung to him.
Moreover he was called Fiachaidh Muilleathan, because when the time of his birth arrived his grandfather the druid said to Moncha that if she delayed the birth of her son for twenty-four hours, he would be a king; but if she brought him forth within that time, he would be only a druid. ‘Then,’ said Moncha, ‘in the hope that my son may become a king, I will not bring him forth for twenty-four hours unless he come through my side.’ And then she went into the ford of the Siuir that was beside her father’s dun, and there sat upon a stone, and remained twenty-four hours seated on the stone. And at the end of that time she came out of the river and gave birth to a son, and she herself died immediately after having brought him forth. It was this son, then, that was called Fiachaidh Muilleathan; and he was called Muilleathan from the crown of his head being broad. For while his mother was sitting on the flag-stone in the ford, on the point of bringing him forth, the child’s crown grew broad by the pressure of the flag-stone on which his mother sate in the ford; hence the name Fiachaidh Muilleathan clung to him.
The second son of Oilill Olom who left issue was Cormac Cas … It was to this Cormac Cas that Oilill Olom had left the inheritance of Munster, until he was informed that Fiachaidh Muilleathan had been born to Eoghan Mor; and when he heard this, he directed that the sovereignty be left after him to Cormac during his life, and that it belong after Cormac’s death to Fiachaidh Muilleathan during his life; and in this way that the sovereignty belong alternately in each succeeding reign to the descendants of Cormac Cas and those of Fiachaidh, Muilleathan for ever. And for some generations they held the sovereignty of Munster according to this arrangement.
pp. 319-325 About this time Cormac son of Art, king of Ireland, felt a scarcity of meat, having spent the rents of the provinces because of the extent of his household staff and he took counsel with his high-steward, how he could obtain supplies for his staff until the time of his rent-taking; and the steward advised him to assemble a large host, and go into Munster to levy the head rent of the king of Ireland. ‘For they only pay thee,’ said he, ‘the rent of one province while there are two provinces in Munster, and each of these provinces should pay the rent of a province to the king of Ireland.’ Cormac acted on that advice, and sent envoys to Fiachaidh Muilleathan, who was then king of Munster, demanding from him the rent of the second province. Fiachaidh answered the envoys, and said that he would not pay a higher rent to Cormac than was paid to the kings who preceded him. And when this answer reached Cormac, he assembled a large host, and marched with them, and halted not till he reached Druim Damhghaire in Munster, which place is now called Cnoc Luinge. And there he fixed his tent or camp; and Fiachaidh Muilleathan, king of Munster, came on the other side against him front to front.
At that time Cormac was thus circumstanced: he had druids from Alba with him there, who practised much magic against the king of Munster and his followers, and in particular, not a drop of water was left near the camp of the king of Munster, and so people and cattle were on the point of death through want of water, and the king of Munster was obliged to send for Mogh Ruith, a druid, who was in Ciarraidhe Luachra; and this Mogh Ruith lived in the time of nineteen kings, as the poet says in this stanza:
The reign of nineteen successive kings
Was the life of Mogh Ruith with much fighting
From Roth son of Rioghall, great the fame,
To Cairbre Lithfeachair the strong.
And when Mogh Ruith came, the king was obliged to give him two cantreds of Feara Muighe, which are called the country of the Roistigh and the country of the Condunaigh. And thereupon Mogh Ruith removed the barrier that had been put to the water withholding it, and at the same time threw up into the air a magic spear which he had, and in the place in which the spear fell there burst forth a well of spring water which relieved the men of Munster from the thirst that afflicted them and hereupon the king of Munster with his host made a sudden onset on Cormac and his followers, and expelled them from Munster, without their having fought a battle or carried off a spoil. And they pursued them to Osruighe, so that Cormac was forced to give pledges and securities that he would send hostages from Tara to Raith Naoi, which is called Cnoc Rathfonn, to Fiachaidh Muilleathan, as a guarantee that he would make compensation for all the injury he had done to Munster in that expedition; and as a declaration of this, the poet composed this stanza:
Fiachaidh Muilleathan, good the king,
From the land of Aibhle in Leitre Craoi,
Hostages from great Tara were sent him
To bright Rathfonn to Raith Naoi.
… Fiachaidh Muilleathan was treacherously slain by Connla Clamh son of Tadhg, son of Cian, ancestor of the siol Cearbhaill and of the siol Meachair at Ath Uiseal, which is called Ath Aiseal on the Siuir at the present time. And the reason why he did that deed of treachery was that when Connla was a youth with Cormac son of Art, learning manners and accomplishments, leprosy or mange came upon him, and no medical treatment whatever availed him. Cormac told him on that occasion that there was no cure destined for him, until he should wash himself in the blood of a king, and that were he to do that he would be healed of his mange. Soon after this Connla took his leave of Cormac, and went into Munster to visit his kinsman, Fiachaidh Muilleathan, who was then king of Munster. And at that time Fiachaidh Muilleathan resided at Raith Rathfainne, which is now called Cnoc Rathfonn, with his foster-mother, whose name was Rathfonn; and when Connla came into his presence, he bade him welcome.
Now, on a certain day soon after this, Fiachaidh went out beside the Siuir with all his household, attended by Connla, who carried his spear; and he went as far as Ath Aiseal, and proceeded to swim in the stream; and Connla bethought him of Cormac’s instructions. And thereupon he went to the verge of the bank, and stabbed Fiachaidh with his spear as he swam, and thus slew him. Fiachaidh, however, before he died, protected Connla, and forbade his household to slay him. And he died immediately after that. And it was in this way the life of Fiachaidh Muilleathan ended.
p. 355 Cairbre Lithfeachair son of Cormac … held the sovereignty of Ireland twenty-seven years … And Cairbre was slain at the Battle of Gabhra … Samhaoir daughter of Fionn son of Cumhall was the wife of Cormac Cas son of Oilill Olom, and she was the mother of Tinne and Connla and Mogh Corb.
Related poem online: Mug Ruith, rígfhili cen goí
John Carey (ed. & tr.), An Old Irish poem about Mug Ruith, Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society, 110, 2005, pp. 113–134.
(Digital Edition at (PDF))
Related saga online: Compert Fiachach Muillethain (The conception and birth of Fiachu Muillethan)
Whitley Stokes (ed. & tr.), A Note about Fiacha Muillethan, Revue Celtique, 11, 1890, 41-45.
Digital Edition at (pp. 41-45); Irish text at TLH; English translation at TLH; English translation at Tech Screpta
… Fiacha Broadcrown assumed the lordship of Munster after Cormac Cas son of Ailill Bare-ear; and in his time it was that Cormac, grandson of Conn [of the Hundred Battles] came on a hosting into Munster as far as Druim Damgaire, the other name whereof was Long Cliach. And there he began invading the Munstermen, so that Fiacha Broadcrown sent [for aid] to Mogh Ruith [the wizard,] who then dwelt in Dairbre. And for coming to the battle there was given him his choice of the lands of Munster. So after that Mogh Ruith came to the battle, and Cormac and Conn’s Half were routed through Mog Ruith’s teaching, and Cormac gave hostages to Fiacha Broadcrown. Wherefore Feidlimid son of Cremthann said:
‘Fiacha Broad-crown, excellent king,
From the lands of Lee, on the slopes of Crai,
Hostages were brought to him from strong Tara
To famous Fafann, to Rath Nai.
To the king of Donn’s House knelt
Cormac, Conn’s grandson, though...’
Related saga online: Cath Maige Mucrama (The Battle of Mag Mucrama)
Máirín O Daly (ed. & tr.), Cath Maige Mucruma: the Battle of Mag Mucrama, (Dublin: Irish Texts Society, 1975; repr. 1997), pp. 38-63; 94-101.
English translation at
Whitley Stokes (ed. & tr.), The Battle of Mag Mucrime, Revue Celtique, 13, 1892, pp. 434-467; 14, 1893, pp. 95-96.
Digital Edition at (pp. 434-467); (pp. 95-96)
Related saga online: Scéla Éogain ocus Cormaic (Tidings of Éogan and Cormac)
Kuno Meyer (ed.), The Laud Genealogies and Tribal Histories, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie, 8, 1912, pp. 309-312.
Digital Edition at
Tomás Ó Cathasaigh (ed. & tr.), The Heroic Biography of Cormac mac Airt, (Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1977), pp. 119-127.
English translation at
Related saga online: Cath Cinn Abrad (The Battle of Cenn Abrad)
Annie M. Scarrie (ed.), Cath Cinn Abrad ann so sís, in: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts, (Halle: Max Niemeyer, 1908), Volume 2, pp. 76-80.
Digital Edition at (pp. 76-80 (172-176))
Myles Dillon (ed. & tr.), The Lecan Text of the Battle of Cenn Abrat, PMLA, 60, 1945, pp. 10-15.
Digital Edition at JSTOR
Máirín O Daly (ed. & tr.), Cath Maige Mucruma: the Battle of Mag Mucrama, (Dublin: Irish Texts Society, 1975), pp. 88-93.
English translation at MaryJones
p. 93, “After that (Cath Cinn Abrad) Mac Con went to Rosach Rúad for treatment” (See Section 66)
(Rossaghroe, in the barony of Fermoy, Co. Cork) (Onom. ‘rosach ruadh’))
Related poem online: The Beheading of John the Baptist by Mog Ruith
Annie M. Scarre (ed. & tr.), The Beheading of John the Baptist by Mog Ruith, Ériu, 4, 1910, pp. 173-181.
Digital Edition at JSTOR; Irish text at TLH; English translation at TLH; English translation at Tech Screpta; English translation at
Related poem online: The Executioner of John the Baptist
Donald MacKinnon (ed. & tr.), The Executioner of John the Baptist, The Celtic Review, 8, 1912-1913, p. 168-170.
Digital Edition at; Irish text and English translation at; English translation at Tech Screpta
Related text online: Aiged Eoin Baisti ocus Mirbuili a chind andso
Käte Müller-Lisowski (ed. & tr.), Texte zur Mog Ruith Sage, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie, 14, 1923, pp. 145–153.
Digital edition at (pp. 145-153); English translation at Tech Screpta
Related text online: Imtheachta Moighi Ruith andso
Käte Müller-Lisowski (ed. & tr.), Texte zur Mog Ruith Sage, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie, 14, 1923, pp. 154–156.
Digital edition at (pp. 154-156); English translation at Tech Screpta
Related text online: Verse über Mog Ruith
Käte Müller-Lisowski (ed. & tr.), Texte zur Mog Ruith Sage, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie, 14, 1923, p. 157.
Digital Edition at (p. 157); Irish text at CELT; English translation at Tech Screpta
Related text online: Tlachtga
Käte Müller-Lisowski (ed. & tr.), Texte zur Mog Ruith Sage, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie, 14, 1923, pp. 158-161
Digital Edition at (pp. 158-161); Irish text at CELT; English translation at; English translation at Tech Screpta
Related text online: Stammbäume
Käte Müller-Lisowski (ed. & tr.), Texte zur Mog Ruith Sage, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie, 14, 1923, pp. 162-163
Digital Edition at (pp. 162-163); Irish text at CELT; English translation at Tech Screpta
Related text online: Notiz über Mog Ruith
Käte Müller-Lisowski (ed. & tr.), Texte zur Mog Ruith Sage, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie, 14, 1923, p. 163
Digital Edition at (p. 163); Irish text at CELT; English translation at Tech Screpta
Related text online: Cnucha cnoc os cionn Life
Maura Power (ed. & tr.), Cnucha cnoc os cionn Life, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, 11, 1917, pp. 39-55.
Digital Edition at (pp. 39-55)
Death of Mug Ruith, p. 50, §53:
The poet Eochaidh, the Northern;
Moghruith from mighty Mumha;
both of them died of old age
— Moghruith and Eochaidh the poet.
Related poem online: Oenach indiu luid in rí (Today the king went to a fair)
Whitley Stokes (ed. & tr.), Find and the phantoms, Revue Celtique, 7, 1886, pp. 289-307.
Digital Edition at (pp. 289-307 (349-367); English translation at Tech Screpta
Fiacha Mulleathain and Dil mac Da Creca
Related text online: Acallamh na Senórach (The Colloquy with the Ancients)
Standish H. O’Grady (ed. & tr.), Silva Gadelica, (London: Williams and Norgate, 1892).
Vol. I, p. 119; Vol. II, pp. 129 -130 (164-165)
“Ath Ísel upon the smooth wide-spread plain, whence is it?” “Comla Derg from Cnoc Den that wounded Eoghan More’s son Fiacha Muillethan there; whence by rights it is called Áth Tuisil or ‘ford of falling.’” And he said: —
“Ath tuisil ainm an átha . |
“Ath Tuisil is the ford’s name; |
do chách as fios fírfhátha; |
to all men this is a cognisance of the veritable cause: |
tuisel tuc Connla cnuic dhen . |
it was a fall that Connla of Cnoc Den |
ar Fiacha maith muillethan” |
caused worthy Fiacha Muillethan to make.” |
(See Section 125)
“And the battle of samhain” said Cainen, “by whom was it fought, and who perished there?” “Olioll Olom’s son Cormac Cas it was that delivered it against Eochaid Red-brow, king of Ulster in the north. There Eochaid fell; and there was hit Cormac Cas, who for thirteen years lay under cure with his brain leaking away from him, and he for that period holding the rule of Munster. At Dún ar Sléibh or ‘dún on mountain’ he had a fort built, a good town, which was so that in its midst was a sparkling and translucent loch-well. About the spring he had a great and royal house made; but immediately at its brink three huge pillarstones were planted and there (with its head to the eastward and betwixt said three columns of stone) the king’s bed was set, while out of a cuach or else a bowl a confidential warrior of his people splashed water on his head continually. There too he died, and in that fort was laid in subterranean excavations; whence Dún trí Liag or ‘fort of three pillarstones’ by way of name is given to it.” (See Section 44)
Vol. II, pp. 140-141 (175-176) Reference to the poem Oenach indiu luid in rí (See above)
Vol. II, p. 166 (201)
Sorcerers five (a guild refractory to handle)
the best that ever fell to the land of the west:
these my memory accurately serves me
to set forth with all their gramarye.
Of whom was Baghna from Sliabh Baghna
Cathbadh likewise (most admirable wizard),
Stocan son of the gentle and hundredfold-possessing Corc,
Moghruith, and Finn of Formoyle.
Five poets, a noble company!
the best that ever fell to Erin’s land:
my memory accurately serves me
to detail them too in all their bardic skill.
Cairbre, the poet whom Amergin
of the Gaels’ island procured across the seas;
Fercheirtne along with Labraidh Lorc,
Moghruith again, and Finn of the naked sword.
Related text online: The setting forth of the sons of Míl from Spain to Ireland
Maighréad Ní C. Dobbs (ed. & tr.), Tochomlad mac Miledh a hEspain i nErind: no Cath Taillten?, Études Celtiques, 2, 1937, pp. 50–91.
English translation at
Eriu (Section 1), Fodla (Section 39) and Bannba (Section 79)
Related text online: Críchad an Chaoilli (The ancient territory of Fermoy)
J. G. O’Keeffe (ed. & tr.),The ancient territory of Fermoy, Ériu, 10, 1926–1928, pp. 170–189.
Digital Edition at JSTOR; Irish text at CELT; English text at CELT
The exact boundary of the Caoille,
is there anyone of you who would describe it?
It was given to the son of Sonasc
for assisting at the Forbais. Et cetera.
That country consisted of two triucha (cantreds) before it was given to Mogh Ruith. … On being given to Mogh Ruith they were made into one triucha, to lessen their rent-tribute for Mogh Ruith’s posterity. And the security for keeping it thus relieved was Mogh Corb, son of Cormac Cas, and his posterity.
A Smaller Social History of Ancient Ireland (P.W. Joyce)
Roads (See “Slige Midlúachra” in Section 121)
The five main roads leading from Tara are mentioned in our oldest authorities. They were all called slige.
Slige Midluachra extended northwards towards Slane on the Boyne, through the Moyry Pass north of Dundalk, and round the base of Slieve Fuaid, near the present Newtown-Hamilton in Armagh, to the palace of Emain, and on to Dunseverick on the north coast of Antrim: portions of the present northern highway run along its site.
On the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish (O’Curry), Volume 1
Timpan (Section 4), p. ccccxcviii (498)
On the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish (O’Curry), Volume 2
Druidic fire: summary of Sections 110-119 of the Siege of Drom Damhghaire, pp. 212-215
Champion’s Hand-stone: text and translation of the poems in Section 84 and Section 92, pp. 278-283
On the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish (O’Curry), Volume 3
Timpan: text and translation of the first four verses of the poem in Section 4, pp. 361-363
Lectures of the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History (O’Curry)
Fiacha Muilleathan and Cormac Cas, p. 208 (240)
Summary of Forbais Droma Damhghaire, pp. 271-272 (303-304); Summary at Tech Screpta
The place where Mogh Roith’s spear landed (“The stream will be named after you (Ceann Mór)”) (See Section 73):
Tobar Cinn Mhóir, in the townland of Ballinvreena, parish of Ballingarry, barony of Coshlea, Co. Limerick, p. 272 (304)
Summary of the poem Oenach indiu luid in rí (See above), pp. 305-306 (337-338)
Cormac Cas and Dun Tri-Liag (Duntryleague, barony of Coshlea, Co. Limerick (FM. ii p. 867, note d) (Ods. p. 627 (642)) (Onom. ‘d. trí liacc’)), p. 312 (344)
Mogh Ruith and his daughter Tlachtga, pp. 402-403 (434-435)
List of Historic Tales in the Book of Leinster includes:
Cath Muige Mucrima (The Battle of Magh Mucruimhe), p. 586 (622)
Forbais Droma Damgaire (The Siege of Drom Damhghaire), p. 589 (625)
Aited Deirdrinde re Macaib Uisnig (The Elopement of Deirdre with the Sons of Uisnech), p. 589 (625)
Airec Menman Uraird Maic Coise (Byrne), Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts, Volume 2
List of the gnathscela Herenn includes:
Cath Cind Fheurot, p. 44 (140), §5, line 2
Cath Moigi Mucromae, p. 44 (140), §5, line 3
R = The Rennes Dindshenchas (Stokes), Revue Celtique, 15-16, 1894-1895
M = The Metrical Dindshenchas (Gwynn)
B = The Bodleian Dinnshenchas (Stokes), Folklore, 3, 1892
E = The Edinburgh Dinnshenchas (Stokes), Folklore, 4, 1893
S = Silva Gadelica (O’Grady), Volume 2
R: Dindgnai in Broga §4 (See Section 3), Part 1, pp. 292-293, (‘Dindgnai in Broga’)
M: Brug na Bóinde I (See Section 3), Volume 2, pp. 11-17, pp. 92-94
M: Brug na Bóinde II (See Section 3), Volume 2, pp. 19-25, pp. 95-96
R: Carn Feradaig §56 (See Section 115), Part 2, p. 452, (‘Carn Feradaig’)
M: Carn Feradaig (See Section 115), Volume 3, pp. 267-269, p. 525
S: Carn Feradaigh (See Section 115), p. 543 (578)
R: Cenn Febrat §48 (See Section 65), Part 2, p. 442, (‘Cenn Febrat’)
M: Cend Febrat (See Section 65), Volume 3, pp. 227-233, pp. 517-519
S: Cenn Febhrat (See Section 65), p. 524 (559)
R: Cleitech §114 (See Section 69), Part 3, pp. 65-66, (‘Cleitech’)
M: Cleitech (See Section 69), Volume 4, pp. 201-203,
B: Cleittech §47 (See Section 69), pp. 511-512, (‘Cleittech’)
S: Cleiteach (See Section 69), p. 534 (569)
M: Druim Assail (See Section 116), Volume 4, pp. 347-351, p. 470
M: Druim Asail (in Carn Conaill) (See Section 116), Volume 3, pp. 441-449, pp. 558-559
S: Druim nAsail (See Section 116), pp. 528-529 (563-564)
M: Dún Cuirc (See Section 14), Volume 4, p. 337, p. 466
R: Indeóin na nDési (in Loch Léin §55) (See Section 68), Part 2, pp. 451-452, (‘Loch Léin’)
M: Indeóin na nDési (in Loch Lein) (See Section 68), Volume 3, pp. 261-265, pp. 524-525
B: Indeóin na nDési (in Loch Lein) §18 (See Section 68), pp. 485-486, (‘Loch Lein’)
S: Indeóin na nDési (in Loch Léin) (See Section 68), p. 523 (558)
R: Laigin §9 (See Section 23), Part 1, pp. 299-301, (‘Laigin’)
M: Lagin I (See Section 23), Volume 2, p. 51, p. 102
M: Lagin II (See Section 23), Volume 2, p. 53, p. 102
B: Laigin §3 (See Section 23), pp. 471-473, (‘Laigin’)
S: Laigin (See Section 23), p. 500 (535)
R: Liathdruim (in Temair §1, Subsection 3) (See Section 24), Part 1, p. 278, Part 1, p. 280, (‘Liathdruim’)
M: Druim Leith in Temair 1 (See Section 24), Volume 1, p. 3, pp. 57-58 (78-79)
R: Mag Roigni §43 (See Section 30), Part 2, pp. 434-435, (‘Mag Roigni’)
M: Mag Raigne (See Section 30), Volume 3, pp. 195-197, p. 511
B: Mag Raigni §12 (See Section 30), p. 480, (‘Mag Raigni’)
S: Mágh Raighne (See Section 30), p. 528 (563)
R: Mag Slecht §85 (See Section 31), Part 3, pp. 35-36, (‘Mag Slecht’)
M: Mag Slecht (See Section 31), Volume 4, pp. 19-23, pp. 379-380
R: Mide §7 (See Section 25), Part 1, pp. 297-298, (‘Mide’)
M: Mide (See Section 27), Volume 2, pp. 43-45, p.100
B: Mide §7 (See Section 27), pp. 475-476, (‘Mide’)
S: Midhe (See Section 27), p. 520 (555)
R: Sinann §59 (See Section 116), Part 2, pp. 456-567, (‘Sinann’)
M: Sinann I (See Section 116), Volume 3, pp. 287-291, pp. 529-530
M: Sinann II (See Section 116), Volume 3, pp. 293-297, p. 530
B: Sinann §33 (See Section 116), pp. 497-498, (‘Sinann’)
R: Slíab Fuait §100 (See Section 119), Part 3, pp. 51-52, (‘Slíab Fuait’)
M: Sliab Fúait I (See Section 119), Volume 4, pp. 163-167, pp. 419-420
M: Sliab Fúait II (See Section 119), Volume 4, pp. 167-169, pp. 420-421
E: Sliab Fuait §64 (See Section 119), pp. 483-484, (‘Sliab Fuait’)
S: Sliabh Fuaid (See Section 119), p. 521 (556)
R: Sliab Mis §51 (See Section 63), Part 2, pp. 445-446, (‘Sliab Mis’)
M: Sliab Miss (See Section 63), Volume 3, p. 241, p. 521
B: Sliab Mis §17 (See Section 63), pp. 484-485, (‘Sliab Mis’)
S: Sliabh Mis (See Section 63), p. 532 (567)
R: Slige Midluachra (in Slige Dala §58) (See Section 121), Part 2, pp. 454-456, (‘Slige Midluachra’)
M: Road of Midluachair (in Slige Dala) (See Section 121), Volume 3, pp. 277-285, pp. 527-529
R: Tea’s Rampart (in Temair §1, Subsection 9) (See Section 35), Part 1, p. 281, Part 1, p. 285, (‘Tea’s Rampart’)
M: Tea’s Rampart (in Temair 1) (See Section 35), Volume 1, pp. 3-5, pp. 57-58 (78-79)
B: Tea’s Rampart (in Temuir §1) (See Section 35), p. 470, (‘Temuir’)
S: Tea’s Rampart (in Temhuir) (See Section 35), p. 514 (549)
R: Temair §1 (See Section 2), Part 1, pp. 277-289, (‘Temair’)
M: Temair 1 (See Section 2), Volume 1, pp. 3-5, pp. 57-58 (78-79)
M: Temair 2 (See Section 2), Volume 1, pp. 7-13, pp. 59-61 (80-82)
M: Temair 3 (See Section 2), Volume 1, pp. 15-27, pp. 62-66 (83-87)
M: Temair 4 (See Section 2), Volume 1, pp. 29-37, pp. 67-74 (88-95)
M: Temair 5 (See Section 2), Volume 1, pp. 39-45, pp. 75-79 (96-100)
B: Temuir §1 (See Section 2), p. 470, (‘Temuir’)
S: Temhuir (See Section 2), p. 514 (549)
R: Mog Ruith (See Section 1) in Tlachtga §110, Part 3, pp. 61-62, (‘Tlachtga’)
M: Mug Ruith (See Section 1) in Tlachtga, Volume 4, pp. 187-189, pp. 425-427
E: Mogh Ruith (See Section 1) in Tlachtga §73, pp. 490-491, (‘Tlachtga’)
S: Moghruith (See Section 1) in Tlachtgha, pp. 511-512 (546-547)
Cóir Anmann: Fitness of Names (Stokes), Irische Texte, Ser. III.2
Ailill Ó-lomm §41 (See Section 24 above), pp. 305-307, p. 413
Art Óenfer §112 (See Section 12), pp. 335-337, p. 415
Cairbre Lifechair §114 (See Section 2), p. 337, p. 415
Conn Cétchathach §111 (See Section 12), p. 335, p. 415
Cormac Cás §165 (See Section 44), p. 361, p. 419
Déissi §169 (See Section 68), p. 363, p. 419
Eogan Mór §36 (See Section 1), p. 301, p. 413
Eoganacht (in Eogan Mór §36) (See Section 65), p. 301, p. 413
Fergus mac Róich §282 (See Section 106), p. 407, p. 425
Fiacha Fer dá líach §43 (See Section 114), p. 309, p. 413
Fiacha Muillethan §42 (See Section 1), pp. 307-309, p. 413
Laigin §174 (See Section 3), pp. 363-365, p. 419
Mac Con §71 (See Section 7), p. 323
Mog Ruith §287 (See Section 1), p. 409, p. 425
Muma §1 (See Section 1), p. 289, p. 412
Book of Lismore
Cycles of the Kings
Cath Maige Mucruma
Críchad an Chaoilli
Aengus Mac Ind Óg
Ailill Aulom; Kings of Munster
Art mac Cuinn; High Kings of Ireland
Cairbre Lifechair; High Kings of Ireland
Conn Cétchathach; High Kings of Ireland
Cormac Cas (Dál gCais)
Cormac mac Airt; High Kings of Ireland
Cormac mac Cuilennáin (d. 908); Kings of Munster
Daniél ua Líahaiti (d. 863); Abbots of Lismore; Abbots of Cork
Eógan Mór; Kings of Munster
Fergus mac Róich; Kings of Ulster
Fiachu Muillethan; Kings of Munster
Lugaidh mac Con; High Kings of Ireland
Mug Ruith
Simon Magus
Brú na Bóinne
Hill of Ward (Tlachtga)
Loch Gabhair
Valentia Island
Voices from the Dawn
Cairn Thierna