The Abbot of Drimnagh
Place and tribal names
(Onom. = Onomasticon Goedelicum)
In addition to the above online source, identification of the placenames below is based on the Fascicles of the following publication, where available:
HDGP = Historical dictionary of Gaelic placenames (Ó Riain et al.)
Cromghlenn, ecclesiastical site in the townland of Crumlin, barony of Uppercross, Co. Dublin (HDGP vi p. 120, s.n. Croimghleann (1)) (Onom. ‘cromghlenn’), §§5, 8
Druimanach, ecclesiastical site in the townland of Drimnagh, barony of Uppercross, Co. Dublin (HDGP vii p. 137, s.n. Droimeanach (1)) (Onom. ‘druimanach’), §§1, 5, 7