Irish Sagas at UCC University College Cork



Aided Chonchobuir

Place and tribal names

Google Map of Places in text

(Onom. = Onomasticon Goedelicum)
(FM. = Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters, ed. O’Donovan)
(Fia. = Annals of Ireland: Three Fragments, ed. O’Donovan)

In addition to the above online sources, identification of the placenames below is based on the Fascicles of the following publication, where available:

HDGP = Historical dictionary of Gaelic placenames (Ó Riain et al.)

The placenames marked with a star (*) below have been identified and appear in the Google Map above.

*Árddachad Sléibe Fuait, perhaps Aughnagurgan, barony of Armagh (Map), Co. Armagh (HDGP i p. 104, s.n. Ardachadh Sléibhe Fhuaid) (Onom. ‘árddachadh sléibe fuait’), §7

Áth Daire Baeth, in or near Fir Roiss (HDGP i p. 129, s.n. Áth Doire Dá Bhaoth) (Onom. ‘a. daire dá baeth’), §§6, 7

Connachta, the territory west of the River Shannon (HDGP vi p. 48, s.n. Connachta) (Onom. ‘connachta’), §§3, 5, 7

*Emain Macha, Navan Fort, (Map – Eamhain Macha), 2 miles west of the town of Armagh, Co. Armagh  (FM. i p. 431, note d) (Onom. ‘e. macha’), §§1, 3, 4

*Fir Roiss = Crích Ross, (Fir Rois), (Map – Fir Rois), area around Carrickmacross, in the barony of Farney (Map), Co. Monaghan (Fia. p. 35 (48), note l) (Onom. ‘f. roiss’, ‘c. ross’), §5

Sciaid Aird na Con, ‘the hawthorn of the height of the hound (or hounds),’ not identified (Onom. ‘sciaid aird na con’), §7

*Sliab Fúait, Sliabh Fuaid, the highest mountain in the Fews, a mountain range near Newtownhamilton, in the barony of Fews Upper (Map), Co. Armagh (FM. i p. 26, note g) (Onom. ‘s. fúait’), §7

Ulaid, Ulster, Ulstermen (Onom. ‘ulaid’), §§1, 3, 4, etc.